Linux Install

This blog is for helping people install Linux on their computers. These days some versions of Linux are easier to use than Windows or Mac. 

A very polished, fast and easy to use Linux distro is: elementary OS

I have installed it on computers for three women recently that I know. One is 76 years old, one is 41 and one is 16 years old. And they all love using it. And none of them are technical people at all. So it proves that elementary OS is for the general public. It looks similar to a Mac but is simpler to use. And it’s based on Ubuntu so you have all the programs backing that Ubuntu has.

Try it and see for yourself! 🙂

6 Replies to “Linux Install”

  1. Hi Kawika. You are quite right about Elementaryos. It is a fine O.S. I am trying it today. Have you ever tried Puppy Linux. Great! I wish you all the best in Linux world. 🙂

  2. Yes, I have used Puppy in the past,but it’s really only good for running off live CD since you are always logged in as root. Elementary is a much more polished OS that more people will use installed in their hard drives.

    I have two desktops with multiple hard drives. I have one with Debian, Fedora, SolydK, Manjaro, and elementary and the other with Xubuntu and Ubuntu. I’ve been a Linux user for 8 years. Mac and Windows don’t mean much to me anymore. 😉

  3. I did something similar for an elderly relative several years ago. All she used was a web browser and a camera, so I installed Xubuntu and locked everything down. It was a great feeling of comfort to her and to me to know that she would be pretty safe.

    I used to tell her to not worry about breaking anything. If something got broken, I could put it back. Just enjoy yourself.

  4. Hello, Kawika and all.

    Every six months I feel the itch to explore some other Linux, but I always come back to Puppy Linux. Other Linuxes rarely have a frugal install, and some will really take over your entire disk, not only one partition without asking permission — just like Windows does. But who does the disk belong to? Not to the distro, it belongs to me, the user… Besides most distro are window-manager centered : one wm per CD… Wow! Some distros have really left the user-friendliness behind.

    Also, for generally less than half the size, Puppy puts at your disposal two or sometimes three times the number of applications.

    I’ll grant you that Puppy needs some serious tweaking at times to get it to give you its best. For example, default Puppies seldom include Abiword plug-ins, which I’d say is a short-sighted approach. The one-removed Puppies are usually more complete, more usable right OOTB. pemasu’s Puppies, for example: DPupWheezy, UpupRaring.

    In any case, to each his/her own, no? BFN.

  5. Forgot to comment about elementaryOS.

    She’s indeed a pretty girl, but that’s all she is. Very little practical user-centered content is offered on the ISO, as compared to all the applications a Puppy Linux ISO provides OOTB.

    But as I said, to each his own. BFN.

  6. Yes, elementary is a simple interface without a lot of control, but that is what many people want. If you want a lot of control, use a distro such as Debian with KDE interface. Debian these days is as easy to install as Ubuntu or Mint.

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